It has been a fun weekend so far. Yesterday we did our School at the church, and April did some math with the kids. After we were done we did some shopping. Austen needed some new shoes....ugh he wears a size 12 in men's...I can not believe it! He is now officially 6 ft tall. We had a great time with April shopping.
It was then time to head to the YMCA...my sweet hubby got us a membership!!! I really have wanted to re-join for a long time. Swimming makes such a difference, because of my back. It was fun to chat with Mrs. House (My dear pastor's wife).
The House boys stayed the night with us and then Wayne dropped off Austen and Pat to go airsofting for the day. When he got home we got ready and took the younger boys into Vancouver to the mall and did some shopping. My sweet Hubby took me to my FAVORITE store! (CJ Banks) I was bummed though because they didn't have much on the clearance racks. After the mall, we took the kids to Sonics a big treat for Blake, his favorite place to eat! From there my sweety took me to Kohl's, I had never been there before, but WOW I found lots of things there! We have been talking about getting a communication system for our motorcycle so we can talk when we ride, so we went to the motorcycle shop and FINALLY bought one!!! I am so exited now to go riding again! Wayne has been saving for some time to get one, part of our late Valentines gift to one another.
And Tomorrow is Church, I am looking forward to being back in the house of The Lord tomorrow!!
Hope you all have a BLESSED weekend!!
Good morning, Kohl's is my favorite shopping place. They have some great buys. Name Brands.
I like to shop thrift stores too. soo much fun ~ but not with my husband. He makes a swoop thru and is ready to go. I like to look for good deals.
Bless you on your bu=ike riding! i would be scared to death. Better watch tha back,too. It's no fun!
have a blessed Sunday.
Hello! Yes, I had so much fun on Friday with you and the kids! I can't believe I was pulling that shopping cart! :D Anyways, the messages at church today were amazing! I hope God spoke to you like He did to me... Have a great Monday!
April...you are right. The message was very good. My favorite was the Sunday school message out of Revelation. The 11 am service was good also, it really sparked a urgency to tell others about Christ before it is to late. April I am so proud of you girl, I LOVE your zeal for the Lord! I love spending Friday's together too, you are one great girl! I know the Lord is pleased with all of things you have and will accomplish here on this earth! You have such a great testimony. Love ya!,
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