Respecting a husband's need and responsibility to lead is a way to demonstrate love and obedience to God (Eph 5:22, Colossians 3:18, 1 Peter 3:7)
A woman's refusal to submit to her husband's leadership stems from her desire to please
herself rather than to please the Lord. Only as a woman commits herself to living to please the Lord will she be able to submit to a imperfect leadership of her husband and encourage him to become all he can be in Christ. Both love and submission are based on the love of God for us. Women need to understand that God rewards a woman who honors her husband's right to lead, whether her husband deserves the honor or not.
My Thoughts
This has not been an easy area in my life, but I am learning to be as I grow in the Lord. I think the neatest thing is when we see our husbands lead. A lot of the time I know I hindered my walk with the Lord by not submitting to my husband. The truth be told.......he feared my disapproval and thus held back from leading our home. Let me ask you friend......are you critical when your husband says "No" on an issue or something you want? Do you pout or get upset because he disagrees with you? Do you ask his opinion, or do you just go ahead and do what you feel is right? The lesson I am learning is that when I go against my husbands wishes, or try to manipulate a situation....ummm I reap the consequences of doing so. However when I encourage my husband to lead by submitting to the God given authority, the blessing are endless! I have never been disappointed when I have let my husband lead.....NEVER! God is so gracious and loving. He has the perfect plan, the one that brings true happiness.....we must just believe it and OBEY it!!!