Longview Bible Baptist Church
Monday Evening
Main Text
2 Corinthians 7:8-12
"The difference between godly and worldly sorrow"
Being sorry.....Is it worldly?
~Worldly sorrow focuses on what it's going to cost you
~Worldly sorrow is selfish
~Known as Jail House Repentance
~Worldly sorrow is self centered....(wants out of consequences of sin)
Biblical Example: King Saul 1 Sam 15:30
Being sorry......Is it godly sorrow?
~Godly sorrow turns from the sin
~ Godly sorrow changes direction
~ Godly sorrow changes actions
~ Godly sorrow has fruits of repentance
~ Godly sorrow accepts consequences and the person realizes he has coming what he deserves.
~ Godly sorrow has a broken and contrite spirit.
Biblical Example: King David
King David was called a man after God's own heart and yet he sinned as we do. The difference though is King David's RESPONSE to his sin.
Verses given: Mat 5:5, Ps 34:14, Ps 51:17, Is 57:15, Is 66:2
Great message, spoke to my heart! I am ever so thankful that God showed us through this last trial and that we did the right thing with the sin that was involved, God blesses when you REPENT and do the right thing, getting right with others involved and confessing your sin before God, changing your direction, having accountability, accepting consequences....ect.
Can't wait for tonight's message