Hello There,
I saw The Blog Hop and thought wow, I have to be a part of that....do I have much spare time.....No......Oh I mean...YES, always time to fit in a quick post right? I am a challenged blogger, that is right. If you visit me you will find that, I am not the best at it( I know NO Grammar can you tell? )....but The Lord works through us right? Here at my blog you will
hopefully feel relaxed and want to sit back and read a bit about how the Lord is working in my life!
'His Grace Is Sufficient For Thee'
I am a child of God, saved in 1998 :) I am married to my perfect husband, well not perfect but who am I to talk.....I am by far the chiefest of sinners. One thing I love about God is he can take the most lost, hardened, messed up person and completely change them for HIS glory!!! I can say that from experience as God has worked in my heart...continues to everyday, as I allow Him too!
I also have 2 sweet boys....(yes, boys can be sweet and boys at the same time!)lol.
Austen is my caring, and handsome 13 year old and Blake my happy, smiley pants boy....is 6!
There are many special people in my life that I am ever so grateful for! The Lord has truly blessed me. I especially am thankful for my Pastor, His Family and my beloved brothers and sisters at church!
I have struggled with pain a good part of my adult life, I don't say that to complain but to tell you this.... it has made me rely on the Lord more then ever before. I see God's grace !! I have learned (learning) not to take my Salvation lightly.......It is a GIFT! I was diagnosed with FMS Fibromyalgia and CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome about 5 months ago now. I am so thankful God gave me a name for my pain. I am learning to be thankful, and to rely on God to see me through. It has made me stronger, and certainly gave me a compassion for others in pain that I never had before!!
I think the 1 things you can count on here at my blog is ...To Be Encouraged!! Ya you may get your toes stepped on and may even have different opinions...that's OK to.
I do however pray that the Lord uses me to be an encouragement to you, and to let you know you are never alone on this journey! The Lord talks about the aged women teaching the younger women.....that is my goal to please my Lord and for Him to use my experiences,and even mistakes to help others!
Please feel free to comment any time and HAPPY Blog Hopping!!
Ps ...I LOVE to make KJV scripture Tags, they are FREE please feel free to snag any here or over at www.branmadetags.blogspot.com