(****This devotion spoke to my heart today, how true it is, may the Lord speak to us and help us stay focused, not on the worldy aspects, and our own selfishness, BUT on our calling as a homeschhol mom)
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me”
(Galatians 2:20a).
I’m feeling selfish today. I look at the schoolwork waiting to be corrected and this week’s lesson plans still waiting to be finished, and I want to escape somewhere. My life seems like it’s not my own, and I resent the fact that I can’t do what I want, when I want. Homeschooling requires me to be so disciplined, and I’m starting to feel trapped. I want to take a break from housework, diapers, schedules, and endless questions, but I’m the one in charge. I feel like a huge burden is on my back.
Does the above scenario describe you today? Do you wish you could experience the wonderful benefits of homeschooling and escape the responsibilities? Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. If you want your children to achieve academic, as well as spiritual success, you have to give yourself 100% and commit to homeschooling. Like the man who calculated the cost in building a tower or the king who assessed his army before he went to war (Luke 14:27-33), following the Lord’s call to homeschool your children requires giving your all. Yes, God knows when you need to rest and will show you how to catch your breath, but He also asks His disciples to carry their cross. So who will you follow today, yourself or the Lord? “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Luke 9:23b).
Lord, forgive my attitude and help me refocus on the call You gave to homeschool. Teach me again that Your will and Your way is better than any life I can conceive. I love You and thank You for my family. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
AOP, homeschool devotions
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